Two Recipes, Same Ingredients

I’m a huge believer in keeping it simple when it comes to cooking. With that being said, I’ve learned how to make multiple meals, using the same ingredients.

Yesterday I took what I had in my fridge, and made two different meals from the same ingredients.

The only difference in these meals was the carbs I added.

Here is what I had in my fridge. 

2 Limes

1.5 lb Sirloin Steak


Red onion

Jasmine Rice, and Corn tortilla’s in the Cabinet

Meal 1 and 2: Thai Beef salad (made 2 meals)
-16 oz lean beef sirloin (Pro: 44g   Carb: 0  Fat: 9g)
-1 lime (juice)
-1/4 cup chopped red onion
-1/2 cup chopped cilantro
-1/2 chopped tomatoes
-1 tbls sea salt
-1 tbls crushed red pepper

1 cup Jasmine rice (Pro: 4g Carb: 50g Fat: 0g)

Meal 3: Steak Tacos

-8oz lean beef sirloin (Pro: 44g  Carb: 0  Fat: 9g)

-1/4 cup chopped red onion

-1/2 cup chopped cilantro
-1/2 chopped tomato

3 corn tortillas (Pro: 3g  Carb: 30g Fat: 3g)


Preparation: The key to good Nutrition

I’m going to keep this short and sweet. One of the keys to keeping healthy eating habits, is preparation.

It’s no secret that when things get hectic in our lives, grabbing takeout is an easy option. If healthy food is not readily available, it’s that much harder to make smart dining decisions.

Here are 3 keys to staying prepared with your nutrition.

1. Have a Grocery shopping routine.

My groceries

The more I talk to other people, the more I realize how neglected this key is. Many people look at grocery shopping as a chore, but it shouldn’t be. You should know what you need before you enter, be able to find it immediately, and get in and out of the store in 15 minutes or less.


2. Have your food chopped and packed, easily available for cooking.

The easier you can make something, the more likely you will be to actually do it. Having everything cut up and ready to cook, is one thing that makes cooking meals that much easier.

My groceries prepped and packed

3. Have healthy snacks and travel meals on Hand

If there is one thing I’ve learned since improving my nutrition and coaching others, it’s that life gets in the way of a perfect eating plan. Business trips, staying late at the office, vacations, and any other random event can throw off your routine. And that may be just enough to keep you from getting the results you want.

My "easy prep" travel food

That is why  I suggest you keep meals you can whip together without cooking, and are even easy to travel with. My favorite choices are protein powder and nuts. I enjoy them, they store well when I travel, and I know they always curb my appetite and beat just about any meal from a restaurant.

So remember, when it comes to nutrition, a little preparation goes a long way. 30 minutes of preparation each week can take your results to the next level.

Eating to Stay fit while you Travel

One of the most important aspects of keeping good nutrition is getting in a good routine. How you grocery shop, cook your food, the places you eat, should all be routine. Of course you have different options, but you have the logistics down to eat properly.

So what do you do when you travel? I’ve found that having a “travel routine” can be critical. I see people all the time who eat ideally while at home, only to succumb to poor eating while traveling. They become victims to they’re perceived “only available options”.

The effects of eating poorly for a few days can set you back more than you may think. There are times where a cheat meal, or even a cheat day can benefit you, but that needs to be used strategically. I will save that for another post.

I’m going to show you how I manage to eat well while I travel, and still maintain, if not progress my fat loss. Ive traveled many times in the past, and manage to come home leaner. This is what I did this weekend, when I was at a conference for 3 days.

-I start my day by drinking 2 cups of water. Then I proceed to have a coffee. I may add just a bit of cream to my coffee.

-I always skip breakfast. That’s right, I don’t eat breakfast. I usually don’t whether I’m at home or traveling. If you think breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you may want to reconsider. I do a form of ‘intermittent fasting’ with my eating, which leads me to my first meal around 12pm.

-Lots of water throughout the morning

-I always cut the carbs out. Considering I’m not cooking my own food, I have little control of what goes into it. There will likely always be more butter, more oil, and more sugar to restuarant recipes, so I eliminate the carbs. This means only protein foods (eggs, chicken, fish, lean steak), and veggies. No grains, potatoes, fruits, or even dressings and sauces. Just ask for extra veggies for your sides, and if you get a salad get dressing on the side.




-Drink plenty of water between meals. Whether you are on a business trip or a vacation, drink lots of water. It will keep you from wanting to snack, as well as keep you hydrated.

-I bring protein powder and nuts. These are two things which are easy to bring, and I can travel anywhere with. If I need something mid afternoon, I’ll mix a shake and have some almonds.




-Dinner is the largest meal. This is usually because while traveling, the most social time is dinner. However you’ve eaten fairly light all day, and have the calorie allotment to eat more at dinner. Still eliminate the carbs and stick to protein and veggies. I like to go with a steak (sirloin), double veggie for the sides, and a been salad as an appetizer. Rest assured, the shear volume of butter and oil being added to your entre will replace your lack of carbs.

-If you drink alcohol, keep it light. Red wine is better than white, and a vodka soda is better than a beer or most mixed drinks. In an ideal case, eliminate booze altogether.

-Don’t go to bed full. By this I mean don’t eat again after dinner, and make it a point not to eat dinner too close to you going to sleep. This is something I practice always, but make a priority while traveling.

Following these keys has allowed me to stay fit while I travel, and many times return home even leaner. If you think you can implement these keys into your travels, I’d love to hear your comments in the comment section below!